The Silicon Valley of St. Gallen, Switzerland

John Moetteli serves as lead organizer

Da Vinci Partners LLC , is proud to announce that effective 27 November 2019, their managing attorney, John Moetteli, a US-born tech attorney, stepped into the role of organizer of this Meetup® group, founded by Sylvan Frank, which has attracted over 500 members. Its goal is to bring people together with similar interests and to help others from our region with innovative ideas, succeed. It is a place where we talk about new developments in the tech scene to gather valuable feedback, useful to improve our chances of successfully implementing new business ideas with global reach. On 18 December 2019, the group held its first organizing committee meeting since John took over to plan 2020’s main activities. A discussion of #artificialintelligence, the #internetofthings and #blockchain technology brought up the names of potential speakers, who, when later contacted, agreed to speak at upcoming events. We are thankful to everyone involved for their past contributions to this exciting Meetup® group! We look forward to a very successful 2020! Interested in joining and/or serving as a guest speaker? Please visit and sign up. Source: